100 Products

  • 54,00 

    An oversized envelope bag is suitable as a chic clutch or a laptop case.

    SKIVE has a simple signature design for those who appreciate minimal. Oversized envelope bag, suitable as a chic clutch or a laptop case. Its simple envelope cut gives a sophisticated and modern look. The front flap fastens with a magnetic snap.

    ・recycled PET felt
    ・100% handmade in Estonia
    ・shipped in an eco-friendly package
    ・size 13″  25 x34 x2 cm (height, length, width)
    ・size 14″  26,5 x38 x2 cm (height, length, width)
    ・size 15″-16″  29 x39 x2 cm (height, length, width)
    ・weight 210g

  • 54,00 
    Slim fit envelope sleeve for Macbook Air & Pro 

    MALMÖ is simple yet straight and functional to keep all goods safe in a uniquely sleek style. Stash your wires and accessories in the front pocket and keep your laptop in the main compartment. Thick felt and high quality make this sleeve a secure accessory. The front flap fastens with a magnetic snap. Durable felt and handmade production make this bag your everyday companion for a long time.

    ・recycled PET felt
    ・100% handmade in Estonia
    ・shipped in an eco-friendly package
    ・size 13″ – 34 x25 cm (height, length),weight 172g

  • 34,00 
    slim fit sleeve for Macbook Air & Pro 

    BODEM – minimalism at its finest. The unisex sleeve keeps your laptop stylish and secure. Thick felt protects your computer and makes the sleeve non-slippery. The snug fit and clean exterior give it a simple yet sophisticated look. It also makes a nice thick pad on which you can lay your laptop when using it on a rough surface. Durable felt and handmade production make this bag your everyday companion for a long time.

    ・recycled PET felt
    ・100% handmade in Estonia
    ・shipped in an eco-friendly package
    ・size 13″ – 34 x25 cm (height, length)
    ・weight 97 g

  • 54,00 
    slim fit envelope sleeve for Macbook Air & Pro 

    MALMÖ is simple yet straight and functional to keep all goods safe in a uniquely sleek style. Stash your wires and accessories in the front pocket and keep your laptop in the main compartment. Thick felt and high quality make this sleeve a secure accessory. The front flap fastens with a magnetic snap. Durable felt and handmade production make this bag your everyday companion for a long time.

    ・recycled PET felt
    ・100% handmade in Estonia
    ・shipped in an eco-friendly package
    ・size 15″ 16″– 39.5 x29 cm (height, length),weight 207g

  • 54,00 

    An oversized envelope bag is suitable as a chic clutch or a laptop case.

    SKIVE has a simple signature design for those who appreciate minimal. Oversized envelope bag, suitable as a chic clutch or a laptop case. Its simple envelope cut gives a sophisticated and modern look. The front flap fastens with a magnetic snap.

    ・recycled PET felt
    ・100% handmade in Estonia
    ・shipped in an eco-friendly package
    ・size 13″  25 x34 x2 cm (height, length, width)
    ・size 14″  26,5 x38 x2 cm (height, length, width)
    ・size 15″-16″  29 x39 x2 cm (height, length, width)
    ・weight 210g

  • 54,00 
    slim fit envelope sleeve for Macbook Air & Pro 

    MALMÖ is simple yet straight and functional to keep all goods safe in a uniquely sleek style. Stash your wires and accessories in the front pocket and keep your laptop in the main compartment. Thick felt and high quality make this sleeve a secure accessory. The front flap fastens with a magnetic snap. Durable felt and handmade production make this bag your everyday companion for a long time.

    ・recycled PET felt
    ・100% handmade in Estonia
    ・shipped in an eco-friendly package
    ・size 15″ 16″– 39.5 x29 cm (height, length),weight 207g

  • 34,00 
    slim fit sleeve for Macbook Air & Pro 

    BODEM – minimalism at its finest. The unisex sleeve keeps your laptop stylish and secure. Thick felt protects your computer and makes the sleeve non-slippery. The snug fit and clean exterior give it a simple yet sophisticated look. It also makes a nice thick pad on which you can lay your laptop when using it on a rough surface. Durable felt and handmade production make this bag your everyday companion for a long time.

    ・recycled PET felt
    ・100% handmade in Estonia
    ・shipped in an eco-friendly package
    ・size 15″-16″ – 39 x29 cm (height, length)
    ・weight 124 g

  • 34,00 
    slim fit sleeve for Macbook Air & Pro 

    BODEM – minimalism at its finest. The unisex sleeve keeps your laptop stylish and secure. Thick felt protects your computer and makes the sleeve non-slippery. The snug fit and clean exterior give it a simple yet sophisticated look. It also makes a nice thick pad on which you can lay your laptop when using it on a rough surface. Durable felt and handmade production make this bag your everyday companion for a long time.

    ・recycled PET felt
    ・100% handmade in Estonia
    ・shipped in an eco-friendly package
    ・size 15″-16″ – 39 x29 cm (height, length)
    ・weight 124 g

  • 54,00 
    slim fit envelope sleeve for Macbook Air & Pro 

    MALMÖ is simple yet straight and functional to keep all goods safe in a uniquely sleek style. Stash your wires and accessories in the front pocket and keep your laptop in the main compartment. Thick felt and high quality make this sleeve a secure accessory. The front flap fastens with a magnetic snap. Durable felt and handmade production make this bag your everyday companion for a long time.

    ・recycled PET felt
    ・100% handmade in Estonia
    ・shipped in an eco-friendly package
    ・size 13″ – 34 x25 cm (height, length),weight 172g


  • 69,00 

    Elegantne Skive-mini on Nordhale’i Eestis toodetud vöökott, mida tänu reguleeritavale rihmale saab kanda nii üle õla, rinna või vöö. Koti klapp sulgub mugavalt magnetiga. Kott on toodetud taaskasutatud tööstuslikust vildist. Tööstuslik vilt koosneb vett hülgavatest kiududest, mistõttu sobib see kott väga hästi just meie kliimasse. Ühtlasi on materjal vastupidav, äärmiselt kerge ning väga tugeva kandevõimega. See kott on käsitöö.

    • Toodetud taaskasutatud vildist
    • Suurus 16 x 23 x 2 cm
    • Rihma pikkus 70 – 124 cm
    • Kaal 180g
    • 100% käsitöö
    • Disainitud ja toodetud Eestis

    Kohaletoimetamine: 2-5 tööpäeva

  • 34,00 
    slim fit sleeve for Macbook Air & Pro 

    BODEM – minimalism at its finest. The unisex sleeve keeps your laptop stylish and secure. Thick felt protects your computer and makes the sleeve non-slippery. The snug fit and clean exterior give it a simple yet sophisticated look. It also makes a nice thick pad on which you can lay your laptop when using it on a rough surface. Durable felt and handmade production make this bag your everyday companion for a long time.

    ・recycled PET felt
    ・100% handmade in Estonia
    ・shipped in an eco-friendly package
    ・size 13″ – 34 x25 cm (height, length)
    ・weight 97 g

  • 139,00 

    Kristel: Samelini olemasolust teadsin veidike enne, kui Islandile sõitma hakkasime ja tänu sellele oli nendega kampa löömine eriti rõõmustav! Tegu on tõespoolest megamugavate, praktiliste ja vastupidavate saabastega. Suvest-talveni olen neid kasutanud, erinevatel maapindadel ja pole kordagi pidanud pettuma. Jalg on ilusti hoitud ja paigas, lumi ei vehi end sisse- samas ei poogi ja ei hööru – esimest kandmisest peale. Ei jõua ära kiita!


    Eestis Samelini saapatehases toodetud matkasaapad 5531 Rosso Arragosta on mõeldud matkamiseks just põhjamaisesse kliimasse, aga nagu Samelin ise ütleb, siis “sobivad need tegelikult kõigile, kes tunnevad rõõmu aktiivsest eluviisist”. Matkasaapaid on Samelin tootnud juba rohkem kui 20 aastat ning paljude jaoks on Samelin tuntud just kvaliteetsete matkasaabaste, mitte militaarjalanõude tootjana. Matkasaabaste pealis on valmistatud veekindlast nubuknahast ning sisevoodriks on 4-kihiline sokistiilis membraansüsteem TOPAZ, mis tagab veepidavuse ja hingavuse. Saabastel on Vibrami kahekihiline tald, mis sobib liikumiseks nii pehmel kui kõval pinnasel. Kes Vibramiga tuttav ei ole, siis matkajalatsite taldade maailmas on tegemist Porsche või Ferrariga – kes kumba eelistab. Saapapaelte aasad on valmistatud mittemagneetilisest metallist ning paelakonksud ühtlustavad paelte pinget ja võimaldavad neid kinni siduda erinevatelt kõrgustelt. Saabaste sisetald on põrutuskindel, antibakteriaalne, hingav ja pestav. Antud matkasaabastest on olemas ka protektoriga versioon 553P, millel on saapanina kaetud kaitsva kummiga. Suurus 41 saapad kaaluvad 1,5 kg. 

    • Pealis: veekindel nubuknahk
    • Sisemus: veekindel sokimeetodil 4-kihiline TOPAZ membraansüsteem
    • Tald: Vibram PU/TR (kahekihiline)
    • Sisetald: põrutuskindel, anatoomiline, antibakteriaalne ja pestav
    • Kinnitus: nöörkinnitus, jala tõusu peal lukustushaak
    • Kaal: 1.5 kg (suurus 41)
    • Tootja: Samelini saapatehas
    • Tootja sertifikaadid: NATO AQAP 2110ISO 9001
    • Tootjariik: Eesti