Smarttan läbipäevituvad miniretuusid Roosa Troopika

Tootja: Smarttan


Smarttan’s tan-through mini leggings Green Mandala are sewn from an ultra-thin stretchy material. This fabric REPLACES SUNSCREEN, allowing for pleasant and safe tanning while walking on the street, engaging in sports, or relaxing on the beach. The mini leggings are also comfortable for swimming and dry within minutes after getting wet. Pairing the leggings with a long-sleeved blouse in the same pattern creates a nice sporty set.

Smarttan long-sleeved shirts and mini leggings are made of a special, ultra-thin fabric with many tiny holes, allowing up to 70% of UV rays to pass through. The fabric is composed of 80% polyamide and 20% elastane, making the clothes comfortably stretchy and exceptionally quick-drying.

We recommend wearing seamless, skin-colored thin thongs under the mini leggings, as regular underwear can be seen through them.

The thin and perforated fabric allows air and sunlight to pass through comfortably. The pattern deceives the eye, making it hard to realize that the fabric is THAT thin. However, there is no risk of burning, as the fabric sufficiently protects the skin. People with very sensitive skin should still be cautious and test it gradually. There’s no worry about sweating off, washing off, or forgetting this “fabric cream.”

The fabric helps to tan healthily without sunburn, acting similarly to sunscreens.

Note! Any tan-through fabric does not allow 100% of UV rays to pass through. Combine tan-through clothes with a sun protection cream or oils suitable for your skin to achieve a more even tan.


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Tagastamine ja ümbervahetamine

Mõnikord on ka meil juhtunud seda, et klient tellib toote, aga midagi kahjuks ei sobi. Või siis,seda juhtub veel harvem, et toode ei ole täpselt selline nagu loodetud. Kui nii juhtuma peaks, siis sellest pole midagi, kirjuta meile, tagasta 14 päeva jooksul tellimus ning vahetame toote ümber või teeme tellimuse eest tagasimakse. Postikulud maksame muidugi samuti meie. Üks palve on meil veel: palun tagasta toode meile samas seisukorras nagu see sinuni jõudis.


Kuigi me oleme uhked selle üle, et Kolmnaistkaravanis tooted on vastupidavad, siis vahel harva võib sekka sattuda siiski mõni praak. Aga sellisteks juhtudeks kehtib Kolmnaistkaravanis ostetud toodete pretensioonide esitamise õigus 2 aastat. Nendest kuue kuu jooksul ilmnenud puuduse tekkepõhjuse tõendab Kolmnaistkaravanis, pärast seda tõendab puuduse tekkepõhjuse pretensiooni esitaja. Tõendamisega seotud mõistlikud kulud kannab pool, kelle kahjuks on tõendamise tulemus. Igatahes, kui selline jama olukord tekkima peaks, siis kirjuta meile palun ja lahendame olukorra.